
目前顯示的是 7月, 2021的文章

Keyboard LED & HDD LED Displayer(SystemLED)

This is a simple tools for display keyboard LED status & HDD read-write status . 這是一款簡單顯示鍵盤LED狀態與硬碟讀寫LED狀態的應用程序。 Most wireless keyboards do not have special key LED display, such as Caps Lock, Scroll Lock, Num Lock . 大部分無線鍵盤都沒有特殊鍵LED顯示,例如Caps Lock , Scroll Lock , Num Lock 。 Or on the remote desktop - maybe it’s different from the keyboard on the remote . 或是在遠端桌面 - 也許和遙控端的鍵盤狀態不同 It runs on .Net Framework 4.5, please make sure your environment supports it 它是運行在.Net Framework 4.5,請先確認您的環境有支援它 Download .net framework 4.5 here :  下載.et framework 4.5 套件:     https://www.microsoft.com/zh-tw/download/details.aspx?id=42642 Download SystemLED tool : 下載 SystemLED 程序:      https://drive.google.com/file/d/1eAF3vXgHqCEr5u09Nysqq8SzQCZ7KuDF/view?usp=sharing zip password (解壓密碼) : https://radio-idea.blogspot.com You can move position everywhere on your desktop , and click right button to close . 您可以在桌面任意位置移動位置,然後單擊右鍵關閉。