[軟體] 會場音樂播放器II (Arena Music Player II) - ArenaMisicSharp

 This is new version for Arena Music Player[Old]

this is powered by dotnet framework

Current Version :

Downlink : https://drive.google.com/file/d/1N9SXyrLayLzvuGJBvI4_zJcjoYZDBYRu/view?usp=sharing

how to use :

Exit application

Application Setting

in application setting you can change board size , the board size decade how many you can play musics.
and you can choice what the progress color

on each play box , you can play standalone music file , this only support .wav & .mp3 files.
1.PLAY/PAUSE : one click play and same click pause music.
2.STOP : stop music.
3.REPEAT : auto repeat music , must set before playing .
4.Current Playing Time
5.Standalone Volume : you can adjust single music volume
6.PlayBox Setting : 
1.Show Name : you can give a name show on button.
2.Media File : Specific music file name .
3.Browse button : Help to select media file.
4.Button Color : Click it to choice button color
5.Cancel button : Abort any modified data and return.
6.Play Start Time : Choice start time of music playing.
7.Current Time of Test Playing
8.Play End Time : Choice end time of music playing.
9.Test Play Button : Test your music play with setting.
10.Exit Button : Save setting and return.

note :
Old version of Arena Music Player is developed by powerbuilder 10.5 and it based from MCI console.
The obvious disadvantage is the file name limitation of FAT system.
This new Version Arena Music Play is developed by dotnet framework 4.7.2 with NAudio nuget package . it not limitation of FAT system.
It improved more visual effect , and bigger button let user to easy play any music.

本次的改版受到上次版本許多人的反應,由於舊版使用 MCI Console 來播放,因此有諸多問題:
A、受到MCI console影響會使用到 FAT16 檔案名稱 8+3 的影響,很多人不會調整,甚至調整失敗,因此想決定改用其他方式播放音樂。
B、舊版開發的基底是 PowerBuilder 10.5 ,其實它並不是適合用來開發一般的應用程序(主要它是開發單機板ERP使用的,但因為我亂搞所以被搞出來了。
C、這是開發是受到 Music PAD影響,因為操作上更直覺,但由於Music PAD比較偏向節奏混音使用,因此不能完全使用,所以在面板還是保留一些控制項目以利使用者操作,例如:單獨音量、重複選項與停止按鈕等。
E、本次由 dotnet Framework 4.7.2 開發,如果你的電腦沒有安裝這個Runtime,請自行去微軟官方下載並先安裝。







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