EXCEL Convert to CSV File Tool

Tool Name:  EXCEL2CSV.exe
Development Environment: MS-Visual Studio 2017
FrameWork: .Net 3.5


this is a console tool to convert Excel files (eg: xls , xlsx , csv) to a uniform comma separated format data file (.CSV) without quotes between each field.

if excel cell data include Enter/TAB characters or double will be replace by empty.

if excel cell data include comma character , it will be replace by dot .

this tool is third party for data process application (eg: EDI)to import pure data.

this tool package include donet FrameWork 3.5 installer.

OS: Windows XP/Windows 7/Windows 8/Windows 10

download: there


excel2csv.exe [full source filename] [full destination file name]

if source file name or destination file name not with full path , it will use caller environment path locate.

if destination file failed to create is an error on convert duration.

full source file name or full destination file name need warp by double-Quotes if it include space.


excel2csv D:\datasource\importData.xls C:\temp\import.csv

excel2csv "C:\Documents and Settings\admin\My Documents\importData.xls" "C:\temp files\import.csv"





C# 使用 Process.Start 執行外部程式